воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014 г.

What Ladies are looking for at Dating sites?

The are so many dating sites. What are people are looking for there?

I want to share about ladies. I am not proffesional but I have my point of view. If you are agree with me or not it is up to you.

There are two types of ladies Sexy Ladies and Simple Ladies.

1. Sexy Lady.
I meet seexy lady at dating site. I see she has saxy body. She likes to pose. She likes a lot of make up. I am a man my first desire is " I want her. I want to be with her. She is that lady I am looking for", But sometimes I am right sometimes or not. When I wach her photos carefully I see. She likes herself very much more then else. She wants more attention from men cause she is sexy and she loves it. She will never cook for me in the morning or in the evening. Why? She would prefer to have nice evening dinner in restaurant then cooking in the kitchen. Maybe it is true or not. But if I pay attention to all that fact and try to make another step to meeting with her. I need to make impressions at her. How? She is that kind of lady that wants to meet a real man. Who is that? Real man in her opinion  is that man: real man is always serious and calm, real man never shouts, real man knows how to be in difficult situation when lady make panic, real man know how to calm down lady with calm tender voice that she can feel she is in serious and reliable hands, real man is not greedy, real man can earn money and she can allow to buy expensive things for lady to make her happy, real man likes to make surprises and rich presents, real man likes to spoil her beloved lady, real man vever cheats neve lie, real man knows what he wants, real man knows what woman wants (to be happy).....
 I is a very long list of immaginations of man for lady. But if I deside to start realations with that lady I need to be frank with her. " Dear .... I like you very much. I have never sen such beauty as you before. I want to be frank with you. I will not be able to get star from sky for you but I shall be trying to do everything to make you happy. How do you think can we start realations with you and then see what will work out of it in future???"  And then will see what happen from it.

2. Simple Lady.
She does not like much make up. She is serious at photos. Why she is here at dating site? What she is doing here? She is just tired of her ordinary life. She is tired of beeing a housekeeper and worker at kitchen. She wants to be woman! She wants to be treated like a woman. Is it easy to contact and start relations with her? No it is not. Someday she fall in love with one man and she thought it was her destiny. But he turned out not her kind of man. Really I would need a lot of time to convince her that I am not that type of man who will cheat her in future. It will be diffucult for her to trust me again. Cause she wants to meet the real man too. But her list of real man is not so long. She wants only one thing to be happy like real woman!

It is my poiny of view to ladies. Are ladies different from different countries? No they are the same. We only differ by nationality. I advice you to make your choice in finding good lady at dreamonelove.com/
Good Luck!